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A short Q+A with Substantial!

photo by Danielle Elliott

photo by Danielle Elliott

Q: Substantial is a client services studio. Can you tell us a bit more about that? What do you build?

A: We work with all types of organizations, from startups to non-profit to enterprise, to help build high-quality, scalable digital products, and get them to market. In other words, we build custom software and beautiful digital experiences for an array of awesome clients.

Over the years we have partnered with companies like Mercedes Benz (smart car), Exploding Kittens (video game), The Wall Street Journal (Mansion Global) and Distiller (an whiskey recommendation app) among many others.

Very often we work with startups and entrepreneurs, not only helping to build their products, but serve as guides who help them to refine their vision, hire teams, and bring products to market. In all of these partnerships our clients are the heroes of the story, and it’s our privilege to help bring their visions to life.

Q: Gather has had the pleasure of meeting and working alongside your CEO, Carey Jenkins. For those of us who haven’t, can you tell us more about her and what she brings to Substantial?

Carey has been with Substantial for almost 7 years, and stepped into the role of CEO about 9 months ago. We couldn’t be more excited to have such a strong, compassionate woman running our company (a tech company no less).

Carey’s currency is relationships. She’s fierce but loving and doesn’t shy away from challenging conversations. She has an incredibly graceful way of bringing the best out of those around her and does it with an unparalleled sense of humor. We love this interview she did in Seattle Magazine's Daring Women feature.

Q: How does Substantial engage with the local community?

Our office is in the heart of Capitol Hill (right above Rock Box and across from Molly Moon’s). We love hosting events in our space (including Gather events), panels on the future of design and technology, and are very proud to have become a partner to Future for Us and Unloop. We also host events for Pride and Beer && Code and Design meetups.

Additionally, Carey produces a women in leadership dinners series and speaks at conferences like Anita B, Women of Silicon Valley, and of course, Gather :)

And on the subject of community, we are hiring for several positions. Drop us a line, we’d love to hear from you!

If you want to hear more about Substantial and an in-depth interview with CEO, Carey Jenkins check out our recent podcast episode